Getting Started

Before You Start

Right now, DecideApp is only available for non-commercial, academic research conducted by researchers in Canada. 

If you do not meet this criteria, you may contact us and we can consider if we can help you on a cost recovery basis.

You can begin building your decision aid, but you cannot publish until you have entered the relevant Research Ethics Board (REB) details - relevant details for ethics applications is available in the platform information page. This mitigates privacy and security risks for our platform. We ask you do not use DecideApp to collect personal health information - please see below for details of how to link to other platforms to do this.

Getting Started

To get started, you will need to contact the DecideApp team and ask them to create an account for you. When you contact the DecideApp team to create an account, please let us know the name of the Canadian institution with which you are affiliated and whether you intend to get research ethics for your project. 

Once your account is approved, you will receive an e-mail with a link to set-up your DecideApp account.

Building Your Tool

Creating a tool in DecideApp is easy. First, you will want to decide what type of tool you are creating. Remember, don't collect personal health information with DecideApp. That means in a DecideApp survey you can ask about identifiable characteristics, like date of birth and name, OR you can ask about health characteristics, but not both. If you want to collect both, you will need to collect some of the information on another platform, like REDCap.
